ads / portfolio / clients / amgen
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Amgen is a Fortune 500 company serving millions of patients. Amgen is a leading human therapeutics company in the medical and biotechnology industries. Amgen engages in extensive scientific research and discovery, and in the development of innovations for the advancement of medicine, such as development of products based on the advances in recombinant DNA and molecular biology.


Medical, Prescriptions, Pharmaceutical, Therapeutics, Biotechnology, Market Research, Event and Sales Tracking with Sales Volume Evaluation Based on Events

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Design Review Database

Advanced Database Systems (ADS) prepared a Design Review Database and related documents which provided the design plan for a Market Research Database solution. The database and documents contained the following:

        1)  General Information
        2)  Overview
        3)  Files and Relathionships
        4)  Objectives and Requirements
        5)  Workflow
        6)  Development Plan
        7)  Estimated Timelines and Charges
        8)  ER Diagram (Entity Relational Diagram)

A portfolio of screenshots of the database and the design documents, along with a PDF version, are available here.

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Market Research Database

Advanced Database Systems (ADS) developed a Market Research Database pursuant with the design plan provided in the Design Review Database (described above).

The solution tracked physicians, prescriptions, symposiums, and the volume of sales of Amgen products. The solution is populated with market research data from independent sources based on physicians writing prescriptions to pharmacies for drug products.

The solution evaluates changes in the volume of prescriptions of a Physician after attending Symposiums sponsored by Amgen.

A portfolio of screenshots of the database are available here.

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Build Review Documents

Advanced Database Systems (ADS) begins a project with a Design Review Plan, as demonstrated above.

As a project progresses and the solution is built, each "build" of the developing solution has a Build Review document to summarize the development during the recent work sessions.

A few samples in PDF form of these Build Review documents are provided here to help demonstrate how a project unfolds:

        1)  Amgen Market Research Database Build Review x01
        2)  Amgen Market Research Database Build Review x02
        3)  Amgen Market Research Database Build Review x04