The City of Montebello, Planning & Building Department needed a software solution to track and manage all building improvements in the city. Advanced Database Systems (ADS) designed and built a software solution to manage all Building Plans and Projects, issuing of Business Licensing, Building Permits, Work Inspection Certificates and Certificates of Occupancy.
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Main Menu,
Admin Menu,
Property Main Menu...
Property Admin Menu,
Property Information,
Property Structures...
Property History,
Property Permits,
Property Update Property Info...
Property Update Ownership,
Property Update Profile,
Property Certificate Of Occupancy...
Contractor Menu,
Contractor Information,
Contractor Employees...
Contractor Permits,
Contractor List,
Contractor Find...
Contractor Data Entry,
Contractor Licenses,
Contractor Printed Listing...
Business Licenses Menu,
Business License Data Entry,
Business License Printed Form...
Project Menu,
Project Information,
Project Permits...
Project List,
Project Find,
Project Plan Check Dept Selection...
Project Plan Checks Required,
Project 1st Expiration Notice,
Project Final Expiration Notice...
Project Approved,
Project Denied,
Permit Menu...
Permit Application,
Permit Charges,
Permit Reviews...
Permit Occupancy Certificate,
Permit List,
Permit Find...
Permit Find Selection,
Permit Printed Inspection Record,
Permit Printed Certificate Of Occupancy...
Permit Printed Permit,
Permit Building Permit Fees,
Permit Electrial Permit Fees...
Permit Mechanical Permit Fees,
Permit Plumbing Permit Fees,
Inspection List,
Inspection Batch Processing,
Project Review Document (Build x08)...