ads / portfolio / clients / amgen / design review database and documents (for the market research database)
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Amgen is a Fortune 500 company serving millions of patients. Amgen is a leading human therapeutics company in the medical and biotechnology industries. Amgen engages in extensive scientific research and discovery, and in the development of innovations for the advancement of medicine, such as development of products based on the advances in recombinant DNA and molecular biology.


Medical, Drugs, Prescriptions, Pharmaceutical, Therapeutics, Biotechnology

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Advanced Database Systems (ADS) prepared a design review database and documents which provided a Project Overview with Objectives and Requirements, Estimated Timelines and Charges, and Entity Relational Diagram for the design and development of a Market Research Database to track physicians prescribing Amgen products.


Market Research, Education & Promotional Event Planning, Attendance Tracking, Sales Tracking, Change in Sales Volume Evaluation Based on Events

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Design Review Database Screenshots

Main Menu,
General Information,
Project Overview...

Main Menu General Information Project Overview
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Files And Relationships,
Objectives And Requirements,

Files And Relationships Objectives And Requirements Workflow
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Development Plan,
Estimated Timeline & Charges,
Er Diagram (Entity Relational Diagram)...

Development Plan Estimated Timeline & Charges Er Diagram (Entity Relational Diagram)
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Design Review Document

Design Review (Page 1),
Design Review (Page 2),
Design Review (Page 3)...

Design Review (Page 1) Design Review (Page 2) Design Review (Page 3)
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Design Review (Page 4),
Design Review (Page 5),
PDF of the Design Review Document...

Design Review (Page 4) Design Review (Page 5) ads_amgen_design_review_document.pdf