ads / portfolio / clients / amgen / market research database
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Amgen is a Fortune 500 company serving millions of patients. Amgen is a leading human therapeutics company in the medical and biotechnology industries. Amgen engages in extensive scientific research and discovery, and in the development of innovations for the advancement of medicine, such as development of products based on the advances in recombinant DNA and molecular biology.


Medical, Drugs, Prescriptions, Pharmaceutical, Therapeutics, Biotechnology

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Advanced Database Systems (ADS) designed a market research database to track physicians and prescriptions. The solution is populated with market research data from independent sources based on physicians writing prescriptions to pharmacies for drug products. The solution evaluates changes in the volume of prescriptions of a Physician after attending Symposiums sponsored by Amgen.


Market Research, Education & Promotional Event Planning, Attendance Tracking, Sales Tracking, Change in Sales Volume Evaluation Based on Events

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Market Research Database Screenshots

About Screen,
Main Menu,
User List...

About Screen Main Menu User List
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User Search,
User Detail,
Physician List...

User Search User Detail Physician List
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Physician Search,
Physician Detail With Products List,
Physician Detail With Symposia List...

Physician Search Physician Detail With Products List Physician Detail With Symposia List
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Physician Detail With Notes List,
Physician Detail Note Entry,
Product List...

Physician Detail With Notes List Physician Detail Note Entry Product List
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Product Detail,
Symposium List,
Symposium Detail With Notes...

Product Detail Symposium List Symposium Detail With Notes
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Symposium Detail With Attendees (Physicians) List,
Sales Force List,
Sales Rep Search...

Symposium Detail With Attendees (Physicians) List Sales Force List Sales Rep Search
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Sales Rep With Territory Physician List,
Reports Menu,
Reports Date Range Report...

Sales Rep With Territory Physician List Reports Menu Reports Date Range Report
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Import File Selection,
Import Data Verification...

Settings Import File Selection Import Data Verification
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Import Record Addition,
Import Processing...

Import Record Addition Import Processing